Meals And Miles

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Hi everyone!

As you might have read last week, I said I had an exciting announcement (well at least for me). So here it is!

Every morning, one of the things I look forward to is a Google Reader full of new posts from my favorite bloggers. In an effort to get to know more about them and learn from their experience, I asked some of my favorite bloggers a few questions. Over the coming weeks, I’ll be posting the answers to their questions here!

FIrst up is Meghann from Meals and Miles.

Meghann is from Tampa, Florida and “is one of those crazy people who thinks training for marathons is fun”. Her blog, Meals and Miles, documents “one girl’s journey through running and food”. To learn more about Meghann and her blog, read below!

If you had to describe your blog in 5 words or less how would you do it? It’s my life, one meal and mile at a time. ( I think that’s more than 5 😉 )

Why did you start blogging? I started blogging to document how I was maintaining a 30lb weight loss while working full time and still having a social life. Then it sort of became my daily diary for life, love, and food.

How do you keep coming up with new content that will keep your readers interested? The good thing about blogging about my life is there’s always a new adventure to tackle.
What is your most memorable blogging moment or biggest blogging achievement?When five other bloggers and I planned and executed the first Healthy Living Summit. When we opened registration for the first time and the 125 tickets sold out in 20 minutes, we do we were on to something big.
Do you have any advice to those who want to start their own blog? Don’t follow the ‘cookie cutter’ blog approach because there isn’t one. Be yourself and blog about what YOU want to blog about, not what you think other people want to read about.

Aside from blogging and breaking a sweat, what do you like to do in your free time? I’m a tv junkie! I LOVE catching up on my favorite tv shows! I also love trying new things – if it’s new and different – I’m there!

Do you have a mantra? If it’s a tough workout, I like to repeat to myself ‘You are a machine. You are a machine.’ It helps to remind myself that my body is trained to do this and will make it through.

What’s one food that you couldn’t live without? Too many things to count! Probably cereal and bread – I’m a carbs girl.

What’s your favorite way to break a sweat? Running. Obviously. 😉

Any weird pre-race superstitions? No, but I’m always super paranoid that I’m going to arrive late, so I make a point to always arrive ridiculously early before a race start. 

What are some of your favorite blogs? Too many!!

Hope you enjoyed the first edition of “Ask A Blogger”! I’m always looking for new bloggers to follow, so if you have favorite bloggers that you want to know more about (or think I should know about) let me know in the comments section!

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